De Dakter's Kure ©

Thursday 23 August 2007

To My Mom

Love cannot come close to describe what you mean to me
You are my light when I am in darkness
You are the answer to every prayer I have ever made
I am sorry for being obnoxious at times; you do not deserve that
I am sorry. If only you knew how much you mean to me
I love you so much nothing can explain it
I miss you so much
I miss your tender heart and warm kisses
I miss seeing you in front of me; watching you staring and thinking
You care so much for us it is purely heavenly
Thank you for everything thank you for being there when I was in my worst
Thank you for loving me so much expecting nothing in return
I love you for everything that you are
Thank you for being my MOM


posted by De Dakter's Kure at 06:29


I envy anyone who feels so deeply for their mother.

23 August 2007 at 07:38  

it still amazes me how much i put my parents through, particularly my mom, and how they'd sacrifice everything in order to protect me. their love is undying and unconditional. i know exactly where these words you wrote came from. it is a beautiful thing when we realize our mothers as not only mothers, but human beings, that love us so deeply, it is undefinable. great post, dak... a few more posts like this and you'll be receiving awards ;)

23 August 2007 at 12:11  

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