De Dakter's Kure ©

Thursday 23 August 2007

My Dad's Advice

Take good care of yourself son and look at the world with beautiful eyes
Life around you is beautiful only if you know where to LOOK

Be OPTIMISTIC no matter what

as for every descent there is an ascent

We all know this, but there's something beautiful about hearing it from your Dad.


posted by De Dakter's Kure at 06:00


I imagine it would be wonderful to hear those words from one's father. I never heard them from mine.

23 August 2007 at 07:39  

dood, my dad is my pillar. i can rely on him for a strength that i can find nowhere else in my universe. i only hope i can be half the man my father is. thx for the post, dak.

23 August 2007 at 12:14  

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