De Dakter's Kure ©

Sunday 22 July 2007

Hopefully depressed!

This is my first posting ever. Ever!? Yes ever. I am what you call a blogging virgin ready to be raped by the blogmatrix. I do not intend to take any of this seriously.

I will talk a bit about something that constantly haunts me, HOPE. I wonder what life would be like if hope was lost. I truely believe that us humans in some way or another need hope to survive. Feeling hopeless is definitely the ultimate cause of human misery. I have seen people in incredibly horrible physical states who survive through it because of one thing and one thing only. Yes you guessed it. Hope.

Consider truely depressed people. One of the main features of their depression is the lack of hope. It causes them to give up, to fuse into nothingness, TO UN-EXIST.

Have you ever been hurt by someone you cared so much for? Have you ever had you heartbroken by someone? I am sure we all have. Shame really, but part of life i feel. Do you think loss of hope is a cause for the sadness that ensues?

The picture I have added is one that I have painted to a dear friend of mine. You know who you are :) and this blog's first entry is dedicated to you bro. At the time I painted it I was feeling a bit like that creature in the painting. The dark blue reflects the colours of my inner demons at the time. I have called that painting hopefully depressed. Now you might wonder how is that possible? since I just described how hopelessness is one of the pillars of depression. Well my answer is this. FRIENDS. TRUE FRIENDS. They are the hands that lift you from your sand pit of infinite torture and into the shining twinkle of existence.

I hope you are all hopeful.

Hopeful In a better tomorrow. In a safer existence. In a stable life....etc...

My perspective is a bit more bleak.....

Hopefully depressed

De Dakter


posted by De Dakter's Kure at 10:16


great post virgin dakter ;) true friends are a catalyst to hope, and hope is the substance on which a purposeful life thrives. today's society seeks mostly chemical cures for depression, when (as you said) hope is truly the medicine needed. i love that painting and whoever you gave it to is a lucky, lucky person. you're a talented dood, dakter. keep it up :)

24 July 2007 at 10:06  

I know I am sure the person I gave it to loves it :) Maybe he will get another one soon.

May the HOPE be with you young rafwalker


De Dakter

24 July 2007 at 11:35  

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